Frequently asked questions
How do I get registered?
The North Dakota State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors regulates state licensure for the two professions of Engineering and Land Surveying. Contact:
North Dakota State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors
721 West Memorial Highway
PO Box 1357
Bismarck, ND 58502-1357
Phone: (701) 258-0786
Fax: (701) 258-7471
How do I become a member of NDSPE?
As an affiliate of the National Society of Professional Engineers, membership in our society includes membership in the national society. For a membership application packet, please register online.
How do I transfer my membership to or from another state?
Visit the NSPE website for more information and update your membership account.
Where can I find study material for the engineering exams?
You can contact your local Chapter or check out our Resources page.
Where can I find opportunities for continuing education?
Our Chapters frequently sponsor continuing education opportunities. Please contact an officer of your nearest Chapter. We also have other Resources or contact information available for continuing education. You may also send us an email with your specific request or interest.
Why doesn’t NDSPE participate in the NSPE scholarships?
The North Dakota Society of Professional Engineers is proud to provide scholarship funds to each of our state’s two engineering universities.
Each year, we contribute to scholarships at NDSU and UND. Engineering students at either of these outstanding institutions should contact the Dean of the respective School of Engineering to obtain more information on the availability of these scholarships.
Learn more about the NDSPE Educational Foundation, which sponsors the scholarships.
What does "Er." stand for?
The "Er." designation that you see used throughout this site and in some correspondence is an abbreviation of the non-gender title “Engineer”, used in place of the generic titles of Mr., Mrs., or Ms. in front of a person’s name. It is similar to the abbreviations of Dr. for Doctor or Pr. for Pastor.
Who is the contact person for my local Chapter?
Contact information for all four Chapters is available on our Chapters page.
When is the Annual Meeting?
View the meeting schedule.
When the date and location for the next Annual Meeting are determined, they will be announced on the website. Please check back.
I can’t find my question—what now?
Please feel free to contact our Executive Secretary or any of our Current Officers.